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Execute the Rails-generated bin/setup script

After generating the new project’s scaffolding, the first thing we’ll do is ensure that the application is executable.

Rails generates an executable bin/setup file that automates some of the development environment configuration process, including:

  • installing Ruby dependencies
  • ensuring that SQL databases exist
  • removing old log/ and tmp/ directories
  • restarting any running Rails servers

This commit un-comments a Rails-generated line so that the script will also install our project’s JavaScript dependencies with yarn.

When we execute bin/setup for the first time, an error is raised:

== Installing dependencies ==
The dependency tzinfo-data (>= 0) will be unused by any of the platforms Bundler is installing for. Bundler is installing for ru
by but the dependency is only for x86-mingw32, x86-mswin32, x64-mingw32, java. To add those platforms to the bundle, run `bundle
 lock --add-platform x86-mingw32 x86-mswin32 x64-mingw32 java`.
The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied
yarn install v1.15.2
[1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
[2/4] 🚚  Fetching packages...
error @rails/webpacker@4.0.2: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=6.14.4". Got "6.14.2"
error Found incompatible module
info Visit for documentation about this command.

For emphasis, the line of that error message that is most interesting:

error @rails/webpacker@4.0.2: The engine "node" is incompatible with
  this module. Expected version ">=6.14.4". Got "6.14.2"

By executing rails new, Rails has already generated a .ruby-version file on our behalf.

Locally, we’re using the asdf Tool Version Manager to ensure that our the versions of our languages that this project depends on are available.

Out-of-the-box, ASDF expects all dependencies to be declared in the .tool-versions file, so this commit first renames .ruby-version to .tool-versions.

To respond to the error raised by Webpacker, this commit extends that .tool-versions file to configure the asdf-nodejs plugin.

Our .tool-versions file declares that the project requires Node version 11.14.0, which meets the ">=6.14.4" requirement.

By running bin/setup again, a new error is raised:

== Preparing database ==
Created database 'db/development.sqlite3'
Created database 'db/test.sqlite3'
/Users/seanpdoyle/src/prix-fixe/db/schema.rb doesn't exist yet. Run `rails db:migrate` to create it, then try again. If you do $
ot intend to use a database, you should instead alter /Users/seanpdoyle/src/prix-fixe/config/application.rb to limit the framew$
rks that will be loaded.

== Command ["bin/rails db:setup"] failed ==

For emphasis, the most interesting part of the error message is:

/Users/seanpdoyle/src/prix-fixe/db/schema.rb doesn't exist yet. Run
  `rails db:migrate` to create it, then try again.

To resolve this issue, run:

% rails db:migrate

This commit includes the output of that command in the db/schema.rb file.