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Render <a> containing "Share a Note"

This commit resolves the previous error:

Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find link or button "Share a Note"
    test/system/user_shares_a_message_test.rb:8:in `block in <class:UserSharesAMessageTest>'

The click_on Capybara helper (an alias of click_link_or_button) expects the corresponding element to be an <a> element or a <button> element. The test is invoking click_on with "Share a Note" as an argument. According to the documentation, the click_link:

Finds a link by id, Capybara.test_id attribute, text or title

To advance our test to the next failure, we declare an <a> element with "Share a Note" as its text. Since our system tests are executed within the context of a web browser, the <a> element declares href="#" to ensure that it is interactive and clickable.

When we run the system test again, it raises a new error:

Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find field "Message"
    test/system/user_shares_a_message_test.rb:9:in `block in <class:UserSharesAMessageTest>'