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Progressively enhance Selection State

Our server already renders Seat elements with their selection state for full page reloads, but now that the <svg id="map"> element is annotated with data-turbolinks-permanent, the element will persist across Turbolinks-initiated visits.

Due to this persistence, our client is now responsible for managing some long-lived state. When a Seat is selected, a full-page visit modifies the HTML for the entire page, replacing the <body> element and its contents – except for the map.

This commit extends our client-side code to progressively enhance the application to manage changes in Seat selection state by managing the <use> element’s xlink:href attribute with Client-side logic.

In addition to checking setting the correct xlink:href at render-time, the server transmits additional information for each Seat (represented by data- attributes declared on its <use> element).

By reading data-seat-id values from the page’s Cart Summary, the Seats Stimulus controller modifies the <use> elements’ xlink:href attributes that represents the seats’ possible states.

The map of possible transitions is encoded as data-selected-icon and data-unselected-icon, which is made accessible through accessing element.dataset.selectedIcon and element.dataset.unselectedIcon.

When the xlink:href attribute is assigned to a new value, the browser will render the Seat that is referenced.

This state is managed by the seats#selectSeats function. That function must be run:

  1. When the page is loaded
  2. When a Seat is added to the Cart Summary
  3. When a Seat is removed from the Cart Summary

The first case can be covered by a direct invocation in the seats#connect life cycle hook. The second and third depend on how our users interact with the page’s <form> elements.

This commit passes the remote: true option to button_to and form_with helper method calls. This results in a data-remote="true" attribute on the resulting <form> element, which integrates with Rails’ Unobtrusive JavaScript.

During the life cycle of a UJS-initiated AJAX request, there are several events fired.

This commit extends the <form> elements interested in adding and removing Seats from the page’s cart summary by declaring data-action="ajax:complete->seats#selectSeats". This attribute routes the <form> element’s ajax:complete events to the seats#selectSeats action.