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Elaborate on the project’s goals in the README

This application is an example of how to develop an interactive web page using:

  • Rails
  • Rails’ Unobtrustive JavaScript
  • Turbolinks
  • StimulusJS

The commit history is intentionally meticulous and verbose.

The intent behind this repository is to:

  • serve as an example of real-world application built in a server-rendered monolith
  • demonstrate how to iteratively build up a set of features over time, starting with boring standards based HTML, then extending that behavior with JavaScript
  • demonstrate how and when to progressively enhance a feature that works outside of a JavaScript-capable browser environment

When creating this repository, deliberate effort was exerted to strike a balance between:

  • explicit and verbose (HTML, model, controller) code versus “clean” and well-factored Rails code
  • newer, terser JavaScript syntax (arrow functions, destructuring, etc) versus more familiar, approachable syntax
  • small and focussed diffs that represent the minimal amount of changes necessary to integrate with newer libraries and concepts versus real-world feature-development style commits
  • emphasizing outside-in, test-driven developed, production-ready code versus emphasizing educational and approachable implementation code

Some other things to note:

  • The data model is inspired by a real-world application, but simplified for the sake of demonstration
  • The CSS, while important and worth explaining on its own, is treated as a peripheral implementation detail.
  • One of the original project’s areas of focus was accessibility. For the sake of this demonstration, most of the accessibility work involved in the original project has been omitted
  • The number of both JavaScript and Ruby dependencies is intentionally limited
  • The project uses Rails defaults as much as possible (i.e. MiniTest instead of RSpec, CurrentAttributes, form_with instead of simple_form, etc).