
Render how a commit changes the project’s files

To provide the reader with ample context, render each commits’ file changes alongside their commit messages.

Descendants will split the remaining page width amongst themselves.

In the case of the project root, the diff will be omitted, and the commit message will span the width of the page (by virtue of it being the :only-child to the .container. for project root

When a file’s diff is longer than 100 lines, render the <details> element as collapsed by default. To do so, omit the open attribute.

Likewise, when a commit’s subject starts with [GENERATED], don’t render the <details> element with an open attribute.

Determining the diff contents

When a commit has a parent, generating the diff with the ruby-git provided interface is straightforward:

diff = parent.diff(commit)

However, when the commit is the project’s root, it has no parent, and cannot be “diffed”.

To counteract this restriction, this commit invokes a git show command for each file included in the commit, passing the --cc combined diff flag. The --cc flag will ensure that the output contains the code diff. In order to separate out the code from the prose, pass the command a --format=%n flag which includes the %n as a “newline” placeholder, intended to serve as an omission of the prose.

The padding \n character is subsequently omitted by the trailing Ruby-side call to String#strip.

The net result is that the contents of the diff include the changes to the code, and do not include the prose in the commit’s message.

Test Coverage

To ensure that this new behavior is covered, this commit includes corresponding System Tests.

To enable direct navigation to a commit, modify the existing commit test helper to return the new commit object, so that the test can pass it directly to the commit_path helper.


git-read file diff in desktop dimensions


git-read file diff in mobile dimensions